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Haunted Healing

Haunted Healing is a 15-minute multiplayer animated VR experience where up to six audience members explore the five stages of grief, through different virtual rooms symbolising each stage. The story concerns 13-year-old Ann, who is mourning the loss of her father.

The experience includes four nonlinear interactive scenes in between a locked introduction and ending. The nonlinear interactive scenes allows upto 6 audience members to explore the different stages of grief at their own pace, before experiencing the ending. This symbolizes that grieving stages are experienced differently by each individual with no particular order.

This project was a partnership between XR production house MANND, Scriptwriter & Director Rita Martinos. I, Nicolai Østergaard, was responsible for all the 3D elements and environments of the experience. As part of the Cannes XR challenge, this project was awarded the first prize and will be part of the Marché du Festival – Festival de Cannes in 2021.

Date: June 2021
Type: VR Experience

Software: Unity, Maya, Substance Painter
Client: Cannes XR Challenge 2020

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