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RWE Safety Street VR

“RWE Safety Street VR” is a VR experience, done in collaboration with Adesso Mobile.  RWE commissioned Adesso to develop a safety training course via virtual reality, in order to prepare its employees for the challenges of everyday work. The VR experience focuses on recognising and reporting hazards in an everyday work environment.


By using the “RWE Safety Street VR”, RWE employees can be trained interactively and safely, which makes the course more effective and immersive. 


During this project, I was responsible for modelling and texturing objects, such as mannequins, lockers and clothing, as well as the “PPE” room itself. Additionally, I’ve created the hallways, which served as teleporters between different environments and training programmes.

The project is optimised to run smoothly in 60FPS.

Date: March 2023

Software: Unity, Maya, Substance Painter
Type: VR Safety Training
Client: RWE

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